For Lovers

For Lovers

For Lovers

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing




Oh to be in love and to be loved in return. 


February 14th has the power to awaken the romantic in all of us. The date is a time machine. It makes us think of our current or prospective loves and it takes us back to our former flames and to people and places we long to see again. Who was your first love, dreamers? I fell in "love" with Arctic Monkeys frontman, Alex Turner, after a millisecond of eye contact at a concert in my teens and I couldn't shake the moment and how I felt for days. It's nothing now but it was everything then. I think that's how love is. It's sudden, all consuming and sometimes, fleeting. This beautiful jolt to the heart makes the days a little more golden and today we're celebrating love in all its forms. This is for lovers of all kinds.