Indoor Plants: 6 Of The Best & How To Take Care Of Them

Indoor Plants: 6 Of The Best & How To Take Care Of Them

Indoor Plants: 6 Of The Best & How To Take Care Of Them

Future crazy plant lady? Sign us up! Having plants around the house definitely, makes someone happier because who wouldn’t be with all of that fresh air in the house? And while we are supposed to be in our homes a bit more these days, why not make your house an aesthetic dream? So to make the plant shopping a bit easier, we have listed the best 6 house plants and some tips on how to take care of them.

Swiss Cheese Plant

This is probably the most popular indoor plant right now with their lush green leaves and signature holes - they truly make a statement in whichever space they’re found. Best of all, they can basically grow to fit ANY space.


Care Tips: 

Should be in a warm climate away from the burning direct sunlight 
Clean regularly with soft damp cloth
Dry out the top 4cm of the soil to avoid root rot or wilting/yellow leaves

Devil’s Ivy

Fast-growing and are pretty hard to hurt, they can also be placed in basically any spot around the house. These plants are perfect for absolute beginners as they are SUPER low maintenance and are very pretty!! The leaves are heart-shaped and are a white + green marble pattern - how cute is that? 


Care Tips: 

No need to regularly fertilise
Water the plant WELL once a week
Water once every other week in winter

Mass Cane

Another great one for beginners, also great for offices! This plant grows up to 1.8 metres with long green leaves with green + yellow stripes running. They’re big but still quite easy to take care of, so great interior decor. 


Care Tips:

Place in indirect bright light
Water once a week
Not safe for dogs and cats


Peace Lily


It is a great plant because they look pretty with adorable white flowers and long leaves + they are actually air purifying. So you can breathe easy. Great way to dress up any boring room or space.


Care Tips: 

Keep in bright, indirect light
Water or mist once a week, and less often in winter
Let the plant dry out between waterings
Wipe leaves of dust
Don’t let kids or pets chew the leaves


Zanzibar Gem

An honestly adorable plant, just look at the cute little green waxy leaves, AND it is basically indestructible. So if you’ve had a history of killing your green babies - this is a great option. It can survive long periods without water, but please do remember to still take care of it. 


Care Tips:

Don’t overwater or let it sit in water
Water once a month
Place in bright or lightly shaded areas
Keep out of direct sunlight


Rubber Plant 


Trend alert! Rocking shiny leaves with shades of dark green and burgundy, this plant adds a bit of oomph to any room. It can either stay in a little pot and be small or it can grow into a large indoor tree. It’s all up to you.


Care Tips:

Likes bright, indirect light
Weekly watering in warmer seasons
Monthly or fortnightly waterings in colder seasons